What is the clubhouse ? How to use it.

A new name that has been added to popular social networks is the - Clubhouse. it has been trending for the last few weeks, And in this article, we will know how to use it?

This is a voice chat app launched in 2020. The clubhouse is the same as other popular apps like Zoom, Microsoft Class Room it allows users to interact by speaking and listening. Initially, it was limited to iPhone users. Recently, it has reached Android users and its popularity has skyrocketed.

This app was created by Paul Davison and Rohan Seth of Alpha Exploration Company. Initially, it was called 'Talk Show'. It was later renamed the Clubhouse. Its main feature is the virtual room. There are three types of rooms. Open room, closed room, and social room.

Any user can join in the open room. All rooms remain open until the setting is changed. In the social room, only the speaker's followers can be added. Similarly, only invited users can join the closed room or private room.

These rooms have speakers, listeners, and organizers. The person who builds the room is the organizer. The organizer has the facility to make, mute, unmute and remove the speaker from the audience. If the listener wants to be a speaker, he can inform the organizer by pressing the raise button. Similarly, listeners can exit the room by pressing the 'Live Quietly' button.

As soon as this app became public, the epidemic of Covid-19 also increased. But in the midst of the epidemic, App gained even more popularity.

One room of the clubhouse can connect 5,000 users at a time. Telegrams with similar features can be connected to unlimited people. Telegram can be a good option if you have to connect more than five thousand at a time. Similarly, Twitter has also brought Twitter space by challenging the clubhouse. But since at least 600 followers are needed to become an organizer in the space, that the users prefer the clubhouse.

Clubhouse's guidelines prohibit recording, reproducing, or transmitting conversations within the app without permission. If such activity is found, the user's account will be blocked or action will be taken. The clubhouse records audio of all rooms to check for violations. There has also been criticism of the lack of privacy when recording audio in this way. The use of this app has been banned in China, Jordan, and Oman.

One of its limitations is that you can run the app only after receiving an invitation. If someone wants to be a new user, the old user should invite. After inviting, you can login to this app only by entering the code or link in the mobile number. But there are 5 invitation codes per user. Once this is done, others cannot be invited. If you want to buy another invitation code, you can buy it from eBay for 400 US dollars. The company claims that such a facility has been set up to better manage the growing number of users.

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